Roundup: Patterns for Performance and Operability

Patterns for Performance and OperabilityI recently posted a review of Patterns for Performance and Operability by Ford et al on the SoftwareOperability website. I think that this book is exceptionally useful in its treatment of both performance and operability, and anyone who cares about how well software works in Production should buy and read a copy (there are paper and eBook editions).

Two other reviews might be useful too: my colleague Anant East (Head of Architecture and Infrastructure, wrote up a detailed review of Patterns for Performance and Operability on the tech blog at, and I posted a short review on Amazon.

How HTTPbis changes HTTP caching, and why CDNs are not always the answer

HTTP caching is a key part of what makes the web usable, and draft standards like HTTPbis add further refinements to the existing HTTP/1.1 caching features. At WebPerfDays 2012, Mark Nottingham (@mnot) and Josh Bixby (@joshuabixby) gave some useful tips on how we can tune our web applications to take advantage of the existing and forthcoming HTTP cache features.

Continue reading How HTTPbis changes HTTP caching, and why CDNs are not always the answer

Event-Sourced Architectures by Martin Thompson at QConLondon 2012

Software performance guru Martin Thompson (@mjpt777) gave an illuminating talk on event-sourced architectures, and why event-driven, state-machine designs are the way forward for complex, multi-path software systems (Event Sourced Architectures and what we have forgotten about High-Availability”, [slides: 700KB PDF]).

QConLondon 2012 blog posts
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Continue reading Event-Sourced Architectures by Martin Thompson at QConLondon 2012

Using LogParser and Log Replay to Bootstrap Load Test Scripts

In a previous post I mentioned how Microsoft LogParser can be used to discover HTTP endpoints in legacy applications. Another great use for LogParser is to generate files to drive load test scripts.

Loaded truck by jcurtis4082 (Flickr)

Continue reading Using LogParser and Log Replay to Bootstrap Load Test Scripts

Fault tolerance, anomaly detection, and anticipation patterns by Jon Allspaw at QConLondon 2012

Jon Allspaw (@allspaw) from Etsy talked about the role that Anomaly Detection, Fault Tolerance and Anticipation play in producing highly scalable software systems (Fault tolerance, anomaly detection, and anticipation patterns, slides [PDF, 5MB]).

As head of technical operations at Etsy, whose web traffic is pretty substantial, Jon focused on resilience in software systems: what it is, and how to achieve it.

QConLondon 2012 blog posts
See all QConLondon 2012 blog posts…

Continue reading Fault tolerance, anomaly detection, and anticipation patterns by Jon Allspaw at QConLondon 2012